Firstline Live at Baltimore ad pdf
This is the ad that's good until April 10, 2009
Dog owners on Lyme disease: What?
Survey reveals dog owners don?t know all the facts.
How to stop fighting with your co-workers
When you and your team members just can't seem to get along, take a look at each others' style.
A lifetime of feline wellness
Use this form to educate clients about your wellness schedule for cats.
Ensuring a safe blood supply: Part I (Proceedings)
A safe and adequate supply of blood components for transfusion is indispensable.
Transfusion support of the bleeding patient: Part II (Proceedings)
Accurate diagnosis and treatment of the bleeding patient requires a basic understanding of the pathophysiology of hemostasis.
Transfusion support of the bleeding patient: Part I (Proceedings)
Whole blood can be stored or processed into one or more of the following components: red blood cells, platelets, plasma, and cryoprecipitate.
Ensuring a safe blood supply: Part II (Proceedings)
Bleeding animals often present to the emergency room in advanced stages of disease, on the verge of cardiovascular collapse, and in need of immediate therapeutic intervention.
Clinical evaluation of a bleeding patient (Proceedings)
Abnormal bleeding or bruising is frequently encountered in veterinary clinical practice.
Blood transfusion: Monitoring for adverse events (Proceedings)
Animals should be carefully monitored for any adverse reactions during and for several weeks following transfusion.
Public-health DVM shortage called 'critical'
The dramatic shortage of public-health veterinarians could put the nation at risk.
What's your role?
Your patient care position.
Not before their time
Remind clients old age isn't a disease.
Keep costs affordable
Invaluable health care at a cost clients like.
Why senior pets weigh more
Extra pounds are extra problems.
A dose of the best medicine
Veterinarians and team members alike can cure work woes with laughter.
5 ways to improve patient care
Expert tips to boost your skills.
What you can do to help save your job
Finding ways to generate revenue and cut costs can make you indispensable
Production-based pay: An economic necessity
Our immediate future is about 80 watts short of bright.
10 ways to be a lifesaver
Must-have survival saviors.
Offer the best-care plan
Pets deserve the best.
How to prevent hypothermia
You may know these tips, but do you follow through?
Discounts: Always a bad idea?
Many practice owners reject discounts, but offering clients little freebies can sometimes benefit your practice.
Q&A: Becoming Dr. Dad
I'm going to be a father soon. How can I make time to be with my child without sacrificing my duties as a doctor?
"Help! I need to sell my practice"
Don't panic: You don't necessarily have to delay retirement due to a struggling economy.
Dr. Karen E. Felsted responds
NCVEI CEO, Dr. Karen E. Felsted, responds to CBS's claim that technicians can earn $70,000 a year.
Summer care tips for your pet
Review these tips to keep pets safe and healthy during the spring and summer seasons.
Shawn McVey's two cents
Shawn McVey says a $70,000 salary is possible.
Master problem sheets
Forms to make record-keeping easier.
Top 4 reasons pet insurance claims are denied
Answer clients' question," Why was my claim denied?", with this discreet handout.