One Mistake Veterinarians Make When Treating Kidney Disease
February 1st 2018Karol Mathews, DVM, DVSc, DACVECC, professor emeritus of clinical studies at Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph, warns that one big mistake veterinarians make when treating kidney disease is that they keep giving their patients fluids.
How Many Animals are Dying Each Year Due to Medical Errors?
January 29th 2018While we don't yet have data on how many animals are dying as a result of veterinary medical errors every year, Linda Fineman, DVM, DACVIM (Oncology), director of veterinary talent and knowledge strategy at Ethos Veterinary Health, says we can look to human medicine for help.
Provide Your Veterinary Staff With Basic Financial Information
January 23rd 2018Alan Robinson, BVSc, MRCVS, DMS, director of VetDynamics UK Ltd, says that beyond self-evaluation and client feedback, your veterinary staff needs to be able to measure how well they are contributing to the business as employees.