Client Relations & Marketing
Q&A: Ramp up your referrals
How can we determine the quality of referrals we're getting from other clinics?
Yellow pages may not net green
Are phone books obsolete?
Give the skinny on dermatology
Answer clients' burning questions.
How to successfully market microchipping
Microchipping is becoming standard procedure for many practices. Is your clinic keeping up with the times?
Lizards lounge for survival purposes
Talk to reptile owners about adequate sun access.
The mystery of client-pet look-alikes explained
Shared qualities between dog owner and dog are skin deep.
Hair of the dog: Germs help kids fight allergies
Pet hair may be a hassle for clients to clean, but children in the household might be better off with the dander.
A dozen people die each year from dog bites, CDC says
By educating clients, you reduce their chances of being bitten.
Social Web sites can help small businesses
More than 80 percent of businesspeople surveyed say social media like Twitter and Facebook has generated exposure for their businesses.
Pets pose danger to clumsy clients
New data shows that pets cause thousands of falls per year.
Adopt a manatee for mom
Make this Mother's Day memorable with Save the Manatee Club.
Interesting tidbit: Women are better off in recessions
Men more likely to lose jobs during hard times
Q&A: The cost of client consultations
Our practice gives out too much free advice over the phone. How can we make these interactions worth our time without alienating our clients?
DVMs prefer the phone
National Report - While the telephone may be the most preferred method of communicating with clients, veterinarians recognize the benefits of e-mail and social networking.
Fight for felines-and their healthcare
Cats healthcare needs clients' attention-and veterinarians' too
Extreme makeover: Parasite edition for team members
Remodel your ho-hum parasite prevention program.
Antibiotic resistance
Antibiotic resistance Q&A.
Secure a fecal sample
Four steps to securing a fecal sample.
AAHA set to release major survey on compliance in July
Lakewood, Colo. - Veterinarians play as much a role in improving poor compliance as pet owners, according to a new study slated for release in July.
Parasite control scenario: What would you do?
Consider this true pet owner scenario. Discuss what your strategy would be, then check out our experts' recommendations.
Q&A: Keep clients from leaving-if you can
One of my best clients is reluctantly leaving my practice to seek cheaper treatment elsewhere. Should I be concerned about this?
Q&A: Caring for your community
I wish our practice would contribute more to our community through discounts and free care, especially considering the state of the economy and the number of struggling pet owners. How can I make a case to the owner?
DVM News Poll: The recession's high stakes
The biggest concern for veterinarians is financial pressure on clients, whose disposable income may be reduced in a down economy.
Prevention: More than the big three
Top five parasites for dogs and cats.
Train clients on proper puppy care
Puppy booklets are a handy resource for new puppy owners in need of guidance.
Help senior pets graduate to good health
A senior wellness program can stimulate growth and keep older patients healthy.
Face off: Two generations reflect on their differences
National Report: Generation X and Baby Boomers are different, but they have one important thing in common - they are veterinarians.
Protect your whole family
Talk to clients about zoonoses.
Focusing on pet insurance: The myths and truths
Develop a crystal-clear picture of how pet insurance works.
Parasitology: What's your role?
Do your part to demolish parasites.