Could your veterinary job destroy your life?
November 26th 2010A young mother, athlete, and veterinary practice manager suffered through extreme fatigue and muscle pain for three years before she discovered her life would never be the same. Could the same thing happen to you simply because of where you work?
How self awareness aids our patients: part 2 (Proceedings)
November 1st 2010Animals serve many roles when it comes to energy and the planet. Their energy fields are far more expansive than ours – a dog's energy field is approximately ten times that of a human's. A horse's field will encompass a large arena, and a cat's will fill an entire property. The energy of wildlife is especially important to the survival of the planet. They create a frequency that maintains the vibrational health of the planet, and all creatures on it.
Transfusion support for the bleeding patient (Proceedings)
November 1st 2010Transfusion of blood products is an important lifesaving measure performed frequently in veterinary medicine. The decision to transfuse should not be taken lightly: it is costly and can frequently be clouded by complications. Blood transfusion therapy should be limited to the treatment of anemia, hypoproteinemia, coagulation disorders, or hemodynamic instability.
Practice buy ins: entrance strategy or early exit strategy (Proceedings)
November 1st 2010Exit strategy or practice succession planning can include every aspect from financial planning for retirement to where will I find a buyer. This retirement financial aspect would include planning for the future practice sale value. That is another session not covered in this topic.
Triaging the hit-by-car patient (Proceedings)
November 1st 2010The role of the veterinary technician in traumatic emergencies is pivotal to the survival of the incoming patient. The physical exam must be quick, thorough, and concise. Utilization of all technical skills from careful visualization, palpation, and auscultation is of the utmost importance.
CPCR: Improving resuscitation statistics (Proceedings)
November 1st 2010Anesthetic arrests and patients with reversible conditions should be resuscitated aggressively. Reasons for such a poor success rate include severity of underlying disease, delay in the recognition of CPA, and delay in delivery of appropriate therapy.
How self awareness aids our patients: part 1 (Proceedings)
November 1st 2010Energy to most of us is something that turns lights on and off and runs our cars. We don't realize we are made of energy, and that we interact with other humans and animals on an instinctive, energetic basis. Having an awareness of how we affect others allows us to be better colleagues, practitioners and care givers.
Multiple owner agreements to prevent litigation (Proceedings)
November 1st 2010A buy-sell agreement or shareholder's agreement or operating agreement is a written statement of plans about how owners can slow down or get out of the practice at a set time or occurrence. It is the shareholder's agreement for a corporation or an operating agreement for an LLC.