Practice Management
Practice for Profit - Reeling in big fish
April 1st 2005Have you ever stopped at a traffic light or just walked through a new section of town and inhaled the smell of garlic coming from a local Italian restaurant or the unmistakable aroma from a BBQ eatery? When you are paying the bill, do you ever wonder how you made the decision, spur of the moment, to fill up with pasta or ribs?
Know your role when you hire a consultant
March 1st 2005Practice consultants work hard for their clients and are well aware of the investment a practice makes for their services. To do the best possible job for you, they need you to be prepared, complete documents as requested, and dedicate the necessary time to the improvement effort.
Your best strategy for improving productivity
March 1st 2005Effective delegation is undoubtedly the strongest productivity-improvement tool available. But here's a harsh reality check: Only 47 percent of staff members responding to a VetMedTeam survey indicated that their doctors delegate 80 percent to 100 percent of possible tasks.
Avoiding conflict difficult, but important to good management
February 17th 2005If you are upset or angry about something, you need to confront the situation. Avoidance of co-workers and strained relationships can result in further problems. However, this doesn't mean you have to confront immediately if you are too angry to be constructive right that minute.
Hire a consultant to tune up your practice
February 1st 2005Think your practice could benefit from some expert help? A consultant may be the way to go. But it's not enough to just hire help. You must know what you want to accomplish, pick the best-qualified consultant to help, and act on his or her advice.
Beware of S corporation distribuations and basis limitations
February 1st 2005Many practices are set up as S corporations for tax reporting purposes, enabling owners to receive dividend payments that aren't subject to Social Security tax. Doctors usually receive these payments when the practice pays for veterinary services and management.